CPTwomen Definitions and Terms
Post Tubal Syndrome (PTS): Iatrogenesis side effects of tubal ligation or female sterilization. AKA Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (PTLS).
Hormone Shock: Described by Dr. Hufnagel, MD, is the sudden, severe increase, decrease, or change in hormone levels of the human endocrine system. The abrupt hormonal change causes a condition of shock to the body.
Ovarian Isolation: Described by Dr. Hufnagel, MD, is the condition when an ovary (or both ovaries) becomes isolated from its life giving blood supply. The affected ovary(s) become atrophic and non functional due do being isolated and amputated from its blood supply. In the event of both ovaries being affected, female castration/surgical menopause occurs without the removal of the ovaries.
Ovarian Isolation Syndrome: Described by Dr. Hufnagel, MD, is the condition when an ovary (or both ovaries) becomes isolated from its life giving blood supply and the health changes caused by the loss function of the ovary(s).
Iatrogenesis: Greek word which means "harm caused by the doctor" or "doctor produced harm". The harm (negative effect) can be caused by a mistake, neglect, or in the normal course of the treatment.
Iatroepidemics: Iatrogenesis events that are epidemic in nature and widespread. Dr. Eugene D. Robin, M.D. describes iatroepidemics as "systematic errors incorporated into medical practice" (epidemics or plagues caused by doctors).